The University of Jordan News UJ and RCSI University of Medicine and Health...
  • 12 - Jun
  • 2024

UJ and RCSI University of Medicine and Health Sciences Plan to Collaborate

​The University of Jordan (UJ) Vice President for Scientific Schools, Prof. Ashraf Abu Karki, discussed with a delegation from the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland University of Medicine and Health Sciences ways of cooperation in several academic fields of mutual interest.

The visiting delegation included Head of School, School of Postgraduate Studies, Prof. Darran O'Connor, and the Director of the Centre for Systems Medicine (CSM), and Dean of International Scientific Engagement, Prof. Jochen Prehn. The meeting was also attended by the Dean of Graduate Studies, Prof. Suhail Haddadin, Dean of the School of Medicine, Prof. Yaser Al-Rayyan, and Assistant director at Cell therapy center, Dr. Hanan Jafar.

During the meeting, Abu Karki emphasized that UJ is highly interested in expanding its base of international cooperation with prestigious higher education institutions. He pointed out that the university's ranking has seen significant improvement this year, reaching 368th according to the QS World University Rankings 2025. He also mentioned the possibility of signing a joint cooperation agreement to pave the way to a genuine collaboration between the two parties.

The two sides exchanged their visions on potential cooperation, which may include establishing a joint PhD program in Basic Medical Sciences at the School of Medicine, exchanging students, and collaborating in scientific research, scholarships, and academic exchanges in the areas of expertise of the Cell Therapy Center.

The delegation also visited the Faculty of Pharmacy, where they discussed with the Deputy Dean of the Faculty and its officials, in the presence of the Director of the International Affairs Unit, the possibility of establishing a joint PhD program in Clinical Pharmacy, and exchanging students through the Erasmus plus KA171 mobility program.

Additionally, the delegation visited the School of Medicine and discussed with its Dean the possibility of establishing a joint PhD program. They also visited the Cell Therapy Center and expressed their admiration for its scientific, technical, academic, and educational environment.