For the first time, the School of Arts and Design at the University of Jordan (UJ) hosted the events of the "Italian Design Day 2024," a global event organized by the Italian Embassy and the Italian Trade Agency (ITA) in cooperation with the University.
This year's Italian Design Day, inaugurated by the University's President, Prof. Nathir Obeidat, in the presence of the Italian Ambassador to Amman, Luciano Pizzotti, Vice Presidents, Dean of the School of Arts and Design, faculty members, and students, is held under the theme "Manufacturing value: inclusiveness, innovation, and sustainability".
Italian Design Day is a global event aimed at introducing Italian design, art, and industry and promoting the Italian design culture.
In his opening speech, Obeidat affirmed that hosting this global day at UJ reflects the university's commitment to promoting innovation in the field of design. It also reflects the depth of cooperation between the university and the Italian Embassy, providing students with significant opportunities to acquire knowledge and experiences about leading Italian experts in the fields of design and innovation, thus, enriching their academic experience.
From his part, Pizzotti emphasized the distinguished and flourishing partnership between the embassy and the university, especially in the fields of language and culture. He highlighted that the aim of organizing this event at the School of Arts is to involve design students in new educational and cultural experiences representing Italian artistic values and the quality of Italian design.
During the day, a lecture titled 'Home, the Italian Way' by Professor Luca Molinari from Università della Campania 'L. Vanvitelli' took place. Professor Molinari along with the ambassador, UJ's vice presidents, and the School's dean also inaugurated an exhibition titled '100 Vases', which illustrates the evolution of Italian design vases from the last century to the present day.
In addition, UNIDO Jordan representative Sulafa Madanat presented two projects funded by the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation - AICS in Amman are: "Creative Jordan" and "LevelUP".